Two Nuclear Wars Ahead

Does the Bible really prophesy two nuclear wars for the times ahead? The prophecy in Zechariah 14 details events that will occur in the world’s last war, Armageddon. Verse 12 unmistakably teaches that nuclear weapons will be used in this last battle:

And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.

 The physical symptoms that this passage states will be suffered by those who come against Jerusalem at Armageddon are the exact symptoms experienced by victims of nuclear radiation: eyes consumed in their sockets, tongues in their mouths and flesh falling off the bones.

 It is the world’s worst kept secret that Israel has a significant nuclear arsenal. Jane’s Intelligence Review places the number of Israel’s nuclear missiles at around 200. The Israelis have promised that they will never resort to their nuclear option unless the existence of the state is threatened.

 Israel’s nuclear capacity is known as the ‘Samson Option.’ Why the Samson Option? Samson begged God to allow his great strength to return to him one last time. God granted Samson’s request. As a result, he pulled down the house of the Philistine lords, killing himself and 3,000 of the enemy’s leaders.

 When Israel picked the name, the Samson Option, she was notifying the world that, if she goes down, she will take her enemies down with her. Apparently, things will become so bad during Armageddon that Israel will resort to the Samson Option. The world’s last war will be nuclear.

 The Other Nuclear War

At least three and one-half years before Armageddon, maybe longer, another war will occur. The prophecy foretelling this war is found in Revelation 9:13-16. It does not explicitly state that this war will be nuclear, but the results of the war indicate that it will have to be.

So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind. Now the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them.

The prophecy states that a war is coming, which will kill one-third of mankind. Taken at face value, this means that two billion people will die in this war. There is only one weapon presently available to mankind that could wreak this level of death and devastation—the nuclear bomb.

 We are also told that one of the armies involved in this war will number 200 million soldiers. The other army that will participate in the war will almost certainly be the only nation on earth that has the nuclear arsenal capable of wreaking this kind of death and destruction—the United States. This prophesied conflict will obviously be the biggest, most horrible war that has ever occurred. Up until now, World War II has been the most destructive war by far. It resulted in 52 million deaths. This coming war will kill 40 times that many!

Welcome to Harpadzo House, A Ministry focused on the End Time Message of Christ. Our Divine Call is to Prepare the Bride of Christ in this Final Hour, the 11th Hour of the Church, to get Caught in the Rapture or in Greek, ‘harpadzo’.


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